
Friday, March 26, 2021

Why I think that pets should be allowed on public transport.

Kia Ora Everyone,

On Friday we practice our emailing skills by writing an email to our home base teacher about what our opinion is, if we were against or with pets being in public transport, then we put it on a google drawing to label it.


It was pretty hard to think of impressive sentences to write about my opinion, I was with pets being on public transport. What is your opinion? Are you Against or With pets being in public transport? Do you have any feedback for me?

 I know that it's very hard to read the picture but this is what it said: 

Dear Mrs. Atkinson,
I believe that pets should be allowed to ride on public transport because what if the owner has anxiety and need their support dog. Also what if the owner is blind they might need their guide dog.

Pets are also good for entertainment for the owner during a long ride. Even though there are some mishaps like allergies, pet not behaving I still believe that pets should be allowed to go on public transport. 

What if the owner doesn't have their own transport and they have a pet and their destination is very far away they would need to ride public transport.

That is why I believe the pet should be able to ride on public transport. Thank you.

-Joy. N

Friday, March 19, 2021

Snow White and the Broken Heart

 Kia Ora Everyone,

In literacy, we have been doing freewriting Me and my Best friend Maiyde did a story about snow white but with a little twist.


We haven't finished it yet but I promise Me and Maiyde will finish this in no time.
I really like doing free writing because we can write about all our ideas and we get to just a story we want to tell. Do you like doing freewriting? What is your favorite thing to do in literacy? Do you have any feedback you can give me?

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

My Pepeha

 Kia Ora everyone,

On week 2 of school, we started making our digital pepeha but first, we needed to learn how to make them properly so we wrote them down on a piece of paper, and then we made our own on slides.


We also needed to add a screencastify with us pronouncing our pepeha so they can add a QR code to our pepeha art that we had to draw and dye so we can share with our parents at the celebration assembly.
Have you ever tried making pepeha art? Have you ever made your own digital pepeha? Can you give me some feedback?